摘要:尊敬的客户:您好!我司主办的第一届交易大赛已经有了成果。根据本次比赛的规则,交易收益率超过20%的参赛选手可以申请成为交易员。经过我们的统计,交易收益率超过20%有三位,分别是1. Chaloem Chai 36XXX
1. Chaloem Chai 36XXX 31.12%
2. Thong Di 34XXX 26.85%
3. Li Jun Nan 36XXX 21.85%
Dear Customers:
The first trading competition hosted by our company has already had results. According to the rules of this competition, participants with a trading profit of more than 20% can apply to become traders.
According to our statistics, there are three customers who have a trading profit of more than 20%, which are
1. Chaloem Chai 36XXX 31.12%
2. Thong Di 34XXX 26.85%
3. Li Jun Nan 36XXX 21.85%
Thank you all for your enthusiastic participation and wish you a successful trading.