Unable to Withdraw

DaisyەSolved after user's confirmation
DaisyەSupplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
I have been waiting for more than one month. When will you solve the problem?
Dear customer, we are following up your withdrawal case. Please reach out to the online customer service, global@eightcap.com, if you have any problems. Thank you.
DaisyەSupplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
How long did you keep reaching out to EightCap?And they never answer you, right?

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WikiFX Mediation CenterVerified
DaisyەStart Mediation
Start Mediation
I applied for a withdrawal on 12.20, but they didn’t withdraw the money for a long time. They said they would review my account in a few days, but there has been no updates until now, and now they have blocked me. Why should they withhold my principal?

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