Unable to Withdraw

NIGULASI24495Solved after user's confirmation
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They directly closed my conversation without any reasons and solutions. And there's nothing I can do but waiting.

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I submitted all the necessary materials including the bank statement, but they still kept delaying with the same excuse, and nobody replied.

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The platform delayed customer's withdrawal for one month with an excuse and deleted the bad comments. They always give the same replies when I communicated with them. There was no one reply for over a dozen of days' mediation. WikiFX said that I would receive a reply within 7 days, but I just got the fake reply, which is reasonable?

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They have delayed my withdrawal application for one month, with a range of excuses, even cancelling my bad comments on the broker.

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They said so over a dozen of days ago. As of now, they still keep delaying the withdrawal.

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Please give me a reply, no matter WikiFX customer service or EightCap customer service. It has been 8 days since the meditation.

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It has already been 20 days, and they always explained it away with the same excuse every time when I contacted them. I hope you would be careful with platforms. Is such a platform entitled to be listed? Please do not recommend this kind of brokers so that we will have less troubles. A broker who claimed to run for over a dozen years can not guarantee a normal withdrawal. And the customer service makes auto replies like robot.

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Please WikiFX helps me. The message has been read, but nobody contacted me. Although I communicated with them, they kept delaying the problem.

The relevant staff has coped with your complaint.
NIGULASI24495Supplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
I have sent the bank statement, but they kept delaying by fooling me. I have been waiting for 19 days since the withdrawal.

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WikiFX Mediation CenterVerified
NIGULASI24495Start Mediation
Start Mediation
It's unable to withdraw from. I applied for a withdrawal of USD 1,916.66 on September 29, and the amount was deducted from the account after their approval on 30th, but by October 13, I haven't received the money. I contacted the CSR thousands of times and they just find all kinds of excuses. Later, they just closed the customer service channel, and only AI replied to my emails.

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