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At the end of April 2022, this person surnamed Xiao came to me and said that he could make money with me and that he could earn income every day. Later, he induced me to deposit 2,000 US dollars on May 3, and I lost money when I bought oil with him. Later, he asked me to give him the account password. Sometimes he operated it for me. In June, he operated several orders for me, all of which were losses. , when I locked the position, he sold my locked position, which caused me a serious loss. The oil he bought for me did not set a stop loss, and I lost 700 US dollars for one order. Before, I made deposits through the platform. Later, he asked me to transfer the money to him, he charged me, and I transferred 7,000 RMB to him, but he only gave me 820 US dollars, saying that he owed me 180 US dollars. During this period, I asked him a few times, but he didn't give it back to me. The tickets he gave me were all after earning a few dollars, which was not enough for the handling fee, so he deleted me directly later, and I couldn’t get in touch. I hope the platform can help me find this agent and refund my loss principal of sixty thousand CNY

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