
CPT MarketsReply
According to the transaction journal during 26-28 November 2021, we found that there was no the information that you couldn't close the position and the information of failure of closing position or journals about rejected orders. Please check the running status of application on your phone and also the internet connection.

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I opened a position at 02:20AM on November 27, but cannot liquidate at 02:22. I was trying to liquidate until 3 AM and cannot do that even I contacted platform. After the wipe out on the market opened on Monday, the platform gave an explanation that the market was closed at 2:30, but it was unable to liquidate around 2:22. The platform asked to provide a transaction log but the transaction log can only be viewed for two days. I don’t know if it was erased by the platform. It is said that the loss caused by the platform can be compensated But when I reported to the platform on Monday, the platform evaded the responsibility and refused to compensate. The current account is negative 1600+ and the account profit cannot be liquidated. After a weekend, it become negative, but the platform simply understate it.

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