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I am Xiong Jiahao, ID number: 421102199108095215, Beijing time: April 7, 2020, I applied for an account on the foreign exchange platform (CPTmarketsltd): 2013850 successfully, and deposited 13,000 US dollars (equivalent to RMB: 92850) on April 9, 2020. At 4:59 am on April 10, 2020, a crude oil lot of 20 was traded, and the position was less than one second after entering the market. The overall loss of the account reached -16960 US dollars. The transaction price and stop loss price were not displayed on the disk. The entry time It is the same time as the stop loss time, and there is a big difference between the quotes of other platforms and CPTmarketsltd. In summary, I have serious doubts about this transaction order. The platform has fraudulent behaviors, deliberately pulling the market quotes artificially, causing my account to be directly liquidated in less than a second, and I have contacted the platform many times and the agent has a bad attitude Strong, no response, platform customer service prevarication.
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