
FX1368104709Solved after user's confirmation
FX1368104709Supplemental Materials
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It has been solved, hope next time the platform can pay attention to customers' demands!
FX1368104709Supplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
It has been solved, hope next time the platform can pay attention to customers' demands!
CPT MarketsReply
Our general process is like this: if the customer wants to change his/her IB, he/she must asks the superior IB for permission first. If the superior IB disagrees, you can open a new one with the same name!

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FX1368104709Start Mediation
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I’ve traded in a lot of platforms. But I am only not respected in CPT. I wanna change my superior because of personal reason but they just ignore my demand. There is no solution to my demand. The customer service phone has a weak signal! And it’s hard to communicate. Besides, the attitude of the customer service is so bad. I wanna ask the time limit of solving the problem, but she said there was no time limit. I asked again, but I still got nothing except for official answers. I wanna ask her, there is a time limit for your salary, but why there is no time limit for thing that CPT does. This is the customer service that you CPT has trained? You guys have very bad service. So you can imagine CPT will ignore the issues that you will meet. It’s risky to invest here. Stay away from it!!!

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