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160 Sussex Street, Sydney, South Australia, Australia
According to the business address that the company purports to be operating from, BCR is located at VICTOR RINGOR, Suite 1 Level 24, 171 Sussex Street SYDNEY NSW 2000. The surveyor sent its survey team to this place.
According to the address, the surveyors found their target building. They entered the building and took an elevator to the 8th Floor.
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Guided by the company’s licensing details, the surveyors found the building, the lower floors of which was undergoing renovation. The surveyors entered the building through a temporary entrance. According to a floor guide in the lobby, BCR does have an office on the floor indicated in its licensing information.
The surveyors then took an elevator to the 8th Floor, and the first things they saw were the company’s logo on the transparent glass door and the electronic screen inside of the room.
The surveyors were shown around the 90-square-meter office by the company’s front-desk staff. The office was estimated to accommodate a dozen of people working.
A field investigation confirmed that BCR’s actual address was consistent with the business address indicated in its licensing information. The company claims to hold a full license (328794) from the Australian ASIC and a general financial license (SIBA/L/19/1122) from the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission, and we believe these information are authentic.
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