Portuguese Securities Market Commission

Year 1991Regulated by Government

The Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) ensures the efficiency, fairness, security and transparency of the securities market, especially in the areas of market surveillance, regulation, cooperation and promotion. One of CMVM's top priorities is investor protection.

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  • Disclosure time 2019-01-04
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cmvm warns investors about the Trader.Online

January 3, 2019 the securities market commission (cmvm) alerts to the fact that the entity Trader.Online , owner of the website (https://www. Trader.Online /) not be authorized or registered with the cmvm to carry out any financial intermediation activity in Portugal, in accordance with the provisions of subparagraphs a) and b) of no. 1 of article 295 of the securities code. To ensure that a given entity that offers investment services in financial instruments is authorized to carry out activities in Portugal, you must consult the list of authorized financial intermediaries (through the link https://www.cmvm.pt/pinstitucional/content?input=7fdeb614bb37bb7f9236a4239a55d7d7b3621fd753ac96ce8e332fc41998d293 ) or the list of entities authorized to provide financial services in Portugal under the free provision of services (lps) regime (through the link https://www.cmvm.pt/pinstitucional/content?input=7cda3baa6de408fcda513f806d73cf7e5ae966d96e0686575ac1bfe0eb536682). All people and entities that have established any commercial relationship with the entity identified above may contact cmvm via the number 800 205 339 (green line), or by email at cmvm@cmvm.pt. systems update on 01/04/2019 01:23
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