
xuyaqinSolved after user's confirmation
IC Markets GlobalReply
If you believe your order has been affected, in order to investigate this transaction, we kindly ask you to send an email to support.cn@icmarkets-cs.com using your registered email address. Please use the subject line "Request for Trade Investigation," and include your trading account number and the order number in the content, along with a brief description of your inquiry. We expect to respond to you within 3 to 10 business days. Thank you for your support and understanding.

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My trading account 7197238 made a profit of 5029.76. Account 7200015 made a profit of 4850.4. Account 7198500 made a profit of 4733.83. Account 7198461 made a profit of 4886.54. Total profit was US$19,540.53 I made a transaction in the early morning of January 31, 2024, and all the profits I made were deducted by the platform without reason. At that time, the trading prices were normal and the spreads were normal. But the platform said we were trading illegally. And made it impossible to log in to my trading account. The password we changed was also locked and we were not allowed to change it. This is a serious violation of trading principles. IC is now showing cheating behavior on the platform. It also serves as a warning to the vast number of investment and trading IC customers. This shameless behavior leaves us speechless.
2. Unauthorized reprints of cases in this platform are prohibited. Offenders will be pursued their legal obligations