
CPT MarketsReply
As for More than 60,000, they are the losses caused by the original order on the market instead of closing positions without a rerason as what you said. There is a record for how the losses generated gradually.

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I invested in CPTMarkets. I held 2.2 lots of long positions and 1.9 lots of short positions , over $60,000 in total, net worth $5,300befor the market closed on July 31, Friday. My long positions are 0.3 lot more than short positions. So even if there is a rise of 100 pips, my account is safe. I found out that all my positions were closed and the fund were gone when I opened my account on August 3, Monday. I communicated with CPTMarkets, they said it was because of widened spread which was caused by lack liquidity. While no matter how much the spread is, my positions weren’t wiped out. Steal my money. What a rip-off! Now I complain CPTMarkets and I want to get my positions back and CPTMarkets should compensate me!
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